Thursday 25 September 2014

The last week of School!
What an amazing week have had. It is our last week of school and we are excited to go on holidays.
Today we helped Miss S decide what she should do for her holidays. We had to help her choose from sleeping all holidays, going to Rainbows end, going to Kelly Tarltons, doing Rocket Ropes and going to the pools. As you can see from our graph, Rainbows end won. Thank you Rm 23 for helping me decide what to do.
Our School Trip:
On Thursday we were really lucky and got to go on a school trip. We went to watch Fresh Movement at TAPAC in Western Springs. Fresh Movement just got back from Las Angeles after competing in the world champs for Hip Hop Dance.
We were super excited about catching a bus to TAPAC.


Once we got there we were taken into a big hall and seated. It was dark and exciting. We were all wondering what the show was about. Then the music started and this awesome dance crew came on stage. Here are some photos of Fresh Movement dancing.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about all the wonderful things we have done over our term. We wish you an awesome holiday and see you all next term.



Friday 19 September 2014


This week has been a great week. We had our performance on Thursday for our Whanau. We were so nervous, but very excited. We hope our Whanau enjoyed watching Kowhai teams dances. We really did like preforming it for you. 


This week we read Just a Touch as our poem of the week. 

We made our own actions up to the poem. We really enjoyed doing our actions as you can see. It helps us remember what the poem is about. 



This week we read Something Very Scary by Kathryn Renner. This story was about something scary being under Room 10 and how the school tried to get them out. If you want to know what it was come and find one of us in Room 23 and we will tell ya. 

We wanted to draw the scary eyes. Here is Lily drawing hers.

Here is Zaafira, Aeshvin, Makalita and Lester drawing and cutting theirs out. 

Tui and Jesse working really hard on their pair of eyes. 

We also got to make the shiny sparkly things from the book to hang in front of our scary eyes. 

We had so much fun!!!

We are excited about next week as it is the last week of Term. We are off on a school trip on Thursday, will make sure we fill you all in on what happens. Have a fantastic week!!!. 

Another awesome week for Room 23.
(Week 7 T3)

We have had a busy week this week.

As you can see we are excited about our week and our Mufti Day on Friday.

Tongan Language week:
This week we practised our greetings in Tongan. We know how to say Hello or Good morning in Tongan.
On Friday the Teachers had a wonderful surprise! Our Tongan culture group put on an amazing performance for us at Morning tea. They also put on a morning tea for us too. There was some food that Miss S has never tried before. There was even horse!! Yum!!


This week we have learnt a lot in math. Some of us are practising our addition.

Triangles: We used the white boards to write the problem and counters to help us solve the answer. It was hard work but we are starting to understand how we add numbers.

Circles: We are learning how to subtract numbers. We used a ladybug to help us solve our equation. There were some tough ones: My lady bug had 10 spots, I took away four spots, how many spots are left? 10-4=6.

Square: We have been learning our numbers and how they are grouped. We had lots of fun drawing our groups.

Our Dance:

We have been practising our dance all week this week. We have our moves on lock and its starting to come together really well. Pacific Dance came in again to help us perfect our moves. We also learnt the last of our school Sasa. We preformed our school Sasa on Friday morning with the rest of the school. It was great!


We are so happy that spring is here. No more cold winter nights and wet rainy days. To celebrate the arrival of spring we made butterflies for our cloak bay and are creating a flower wall. Make sure you come in and see more of our spring creations.

We are looking forward to Week 8. There will be lots more fun and learning to be done!!!
We wish you an awesome week. See you again soon.