Thursday 20 August 2015

Another Fantastic GET SET GO Session.


This week we have been learning to catch and throw in Get Set Go. It has been really fun. Here is what we have been doing...

Diego: We were catching bean bags and throwing them. 
Tui: We are sitting down waiting to throw the bean bag. 
Joelina: Georga said to get into two line and get ready to catch the bean bag. 

Jesse: I am catching the bean bag when Tui throws the bean bag in my hand. 

Orlando: We were throwing to each other and we needed to look at the bean bag. 

Xaviar: We had to throw the bean bag so our partner has to catch it. 

Lester: I am throwing the bean bag and moving around. 
Ankush: I am following Lester. 

Jester: I am running around and catching the bean bag. 

Henry: I am following the Caleb while he throws the bean bag. 
Caleb: If I drop the bean bag it is Henrys turn. 

Dustin: We are walking forward and trying to catch the bean bag. 

Jester: I was running and trying to catch the bean bag. Makalita was my partner, when I dropped the bag she picks it up. Then its her turn. 

Ankush: I am walking around the spots. 

Caleb: I am throwing the ball and catching it. 

Jennifer: I was throwing my bean bag really high. 

Tui: We were in a circle we had to try and catch the ball from the person next to us. 

We had to pass the ball around the circle.

Henry: We are playing pirates. I got tagged and I have to go throw the ball with Georga then I can go.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Art with Whaea Dagmar

This week Whaea Dagmar came in and did Art with us. Here is what we did.

First we sat down and Whaea Dagmar showed us what to do. 

Henry: I am drawing my body. I used a circle to draw my face and a triangle to draw my body. 

Joelina: We are all drawing our people. 

Jorja: We are decorating our bodies. I am using triangles and circles. 
Jesse: I am drawing lines with circles at the end for my hair. Isn't it funny?

Xavair: I am drawing shapes in the background.

Joziah: I am drawing skulls. 

Presley: I am painting my person with Yellow. 

Diego: I am finding places to put yellow to make my picture look bright. 

Xaviar: I am using red to colour in my shapes. 

Jennifer: I am thinking about where to put my colours. 

Dustin: I like using red in my body. Makes it look cool. 

Caleb: I am using blue to paint the T-shirt of my person. 

Presley: I am mixing yellow and blue together. Look it makes green. 

Diego: I am finished. Do you like it?

Koula: Whaea Dagmar is helping us choose our colours. 

Here is all our finished portraits.  Come and have a look at them. They are on our window. Thanks Whaea Dagmar for coming in and taking us for an art session.